Kayla Marie Joiner Foundation
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Teen/Parent Safe Driving Contract

Helping your teen become a safer driver.

Every year, nearly 6,000 teenagers are killed in car crashes and about 300,000 are

injured. Despite safer cars, better roads and countless driving programs, the numbers

have stayed fairly constant for more than a decade. But you can help change this.

get the conversation started.

Talking to your teen about the rules of the road isn’t necessarily easy, but it

is important. Especially when you consider that three out of four teens say their

parents would be the best influence in getting them to drive more safely.

As a way to get started, Allstate has created the Parent-Teen Driving Contract.

It can help you:

Outline your teen’s key driving responsibilities

Decide on the consequences associated when those responsibilities aren’t met

Define your role in helping your teen succeed

Once you talk over each issue and come to an agreement, fill out the rules and

consequences in the space provided. Then sign and date it. Be sure to keep it in a

prominent place, like the front of your refrigerator, so you can re-examine it often

and make changes as your teen becomes a more experienced driver.

learn more about teen driving issues.

To better understand teens' attitudes about driving, tips for talking to your teen and

your state's driving laws, visit allstate.com/teen. The more you get involved, the more

likely your teen will be a safer driver.

it’s time to make the world a

safer place to drive.

speeding and tickets

In 2005, speed-related crashes accounted for 44% of fatalities

among 15-20 year olds.

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Sixteen-year-old drivers have crash rates that are three times greater

than 17-year-old drivers and five times greater than 18-year-old drivers.

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drinking and driving

In 2005, drunk driving caused one of every four fatal teen crashes.

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cell phones, music, other distractions

Talking on a cell phone while driving gives you the reaction time of a


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time of day

Half the teens that died in car crashes in 2005 were killed between

3 p.m. and midnight. Check your local teen driving curfews.

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number of passengers

According to a recent study, the presence of just one more male teen

in a car doubles the chance of a fatal crash.

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Using lap/shoulder belts can reduce the risk of dying in a car crash by 45%.

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Good grades aren’t just important for a teen’s future, they can also save

you money. Ask your Allstate agent about the Good Student Discount.*

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Parent-Teen Driving Contract

*Good Student Discount is subject to terms, qualifications and availability.


teen driver

I promise to abide by the contract outlined above. If I break any part of this contract, I will accept the consequences. During any time that I cannot

drive, I will be responsible for making other arrangements to get around.

__________________________   Date   ___________________



I promise to do what I can to help my teenager succeed in following this contract. I promise to make time to help my child become a safe and responsible

driver. I understand this is an evolving contract and promise to make myself available to discuss these rules and their consequences when necessary.

__________________________    Date  ___________________


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